#CelebRAte Love: Armitage World Fandom Love 2017

I have always said that my favorite part of this fandom has been other fans, followed very closely by fan creativity. You all knock me out pretty regularly with whatever it is that you do, be it blogging or vidding, writing fic or tweeting snark. One of my favorite forms of fan art is, as far as I know, unique to Armitage World: the Richard Armitage Portable Shrine, each one lovingly handcrafted by our own Guylty. A couple of summers ago I was lucky enough to score a RAPS of my very own and as I was thinking about what to blog for this event it occurred to me that I’ve never shown any of you my prize. Ready?

I don’t remember when she put this up exactly but the theme of Hippie Flower Child Thorin Oakenshield was irresistible to me. I HAD to try for this one. I mean, really.

He’s perfect from his disco ball (for emergency parties) to his word magnets (for emergency poetries). The matching daisies just slay me, too, though hopefully the one on his sword is for love instead of war. 

Thorin wasn’t alone in the package Guylty sent me, either. She also enclosed a framed and matted copy of my very favorite photo of The Dude, taken by Guylty herself at the Berlin premiere of The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. 

There were a few other little things she added, too, but by far the one that means the most to me was the sweet note. Guylty’s creativity is warm because she is. She’s one of my favorite fans and I’m thrilled she’s still organizing events. Thanks for hosting us all, G, and for spReAding the love. 🙂