Happy Mardis Gras!

The roads are really bad and I don’t trust me to fry anything so no fastnacht today. Jambalaya is definitely on the menu for dinner, though. What are you doing for Mardi Gras?





One I Really Don’t Want To Have To Write

B. B. King cancelled the remainder of his 2014 tour yesterday due to exhaustion. I caught him last year and rarely have I felt so privileged to just share someone’s air. He seemed tired then, and at 89 years old he’s definitely earned it. Today I’m spinning some mid-80s B.B., along with Etta James, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Gladys Knight, Billy Ocean and Chaka Khan.

Get better, Blues Boy. There’s still rocking to do.




Rockin’ The House

Happy birthday, SRV. I have no doubt you’re keeping things rocking wherever you are.