Some Haushalt

A couple of weeks ago two fellow bloggers nominated me for the Liebster Award, a blogging award intended to spread the blogging love and you KNOW I can’t resist that, right? So I’m thanking KellyDS from Nowhere In Particular and supersonicsonja from Off To New Zealand for thinking of me but you might not be thanking them after you get through all of the nonsense below. Seriously, gang, go make a snack, I’ll wait.

Just not this one. This one is mine.

Just not this one. This one is mine.

Okay, ready? First, the rules.

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog into your post.

2. Answer 11 questions which you have been asked by the nominating blogger.

3. Nominate 5 to 11 other bloggers who have fewer than 1,000 followers.

4. Add a new list of 11 questions for the nominated bloggers.

5. Paste these rules into your post.

6. Make sure your nominees know about your post and their nomination.


So the eleven questions, which in this case is actually twenty-two and is where it’s gonna get long. KellyDS’s are first because I’m going in alphabetical order.

1.) Is there a song that you like different versions, i.e.covers of?  which is your favorite?

There are a bunch but at the moment I’m going with Janis Joplin’s cover of Nina Simone’s “Little Girl Blue.”

2.) What is something you’re afraid of that you’d like to force yourself to face?

I am a serious arachnophobe.

3.)  What is your favorite footware of Richard’s?

The boots get me every single time.

4.) What is your favorite photography subject to view? (flowers, buildings, etc. not RA 😀 )

My kids and family.

5.) What is a habit of yours that you’d like to break?

I am a world class procrastinator.

6.) Have you ever had a dream about Richard Armitage? share a short summary

A couple of summers ago I dreamed that he and I were in the same hotel lobby and he winked at me as he walked  out the door. Beyond that he shows up as a face in the crowd every once in a while.

7.) What was the first professional play/musical that you saw and how did it affect you?

A production of Cinderella, I think. It was exciting to watch but nothing that really stayed with me.

8.) What has been your least favorite pet that you’ve owned and why?

Not my pet but one of my roommates in college kept a ferret that smelled really REALLY bad and continually got into stuff. Like the time I came back from class and found him contentedly shredding the feminine supplies I kept under my bed.

9.) If you could insert yourself into a RA film as an original character, which would it be and how would you effect   the outcome of the story?

Um…huh. How about Random Barmaid With A Crush On Thorin Oakenshield Number Five and it wouldn’t change the outcome at all.

10.) What is your favorite movie about classical mythology?


11.) share a random Richard Armitage related confession

I’d love to read his backstories, wouldn’t you?


Okay, and supersonicsonja’s staaaaarrrrt…NOW!

1. What are you listening to right now?

“Little Girl Blue” by Janis Joplin. Because I just finished answering KellyDS’s questions and had to hear it.

2. Song that gives you the creeps? Why?

“Angie Baby” by Helen Reddy. Have you listened to it? Yikes.

3. What’s your favourite country and who would feature in a soundtrack for that country?

Canada. And pretty much any Canadian but Nickelback.

4. Which song do you put on when you have to do a chore (like tidying up)?  

It varies. Something loud, though. Bon Jovi a lot recently.

5. Up-tempo or slow?

Up-tempo mostly.

6. If you could be part of a band (past and present), which one would you choose?

Um, for an actual band probably The Runaways. However, remind me to tell you about the all-girl harmonica band that my ex-roommate and Lala and I were going to put together: The Harmonic Hunts. There was bourbon involved and blessedly the idea died when the bar closed. 🙂

7. Vinyl or digital? Why?

Vinyl. Because pops and hisses were an essential part of the rhythm section.

8. Think of your favourite non-music artist/hero/person from history — which song reminds you of him or her?

Andy Warhol, who has his own theme song by David Bowie.

9. Favourite genre of music.

All of it.

10. First concert you ever went to?

I was dragged totally against my will in my early teens to see Liberace. It was so completely uncool but absolutely magical.

11. Your Top Ten playlist *ever.*

Okay, I will have you know that this JUST ABOUT KILLED ME so for the purposes of this question the questioner shall be known as supersonicSADISTsonja. Only ten? I repeat: SADIST.

All Along the Watchtower” by Jimi Hendrix

The Sky Is Crying” by Stevie Ray Vaughan

Dream A Little Dream,” and though I love Mama Cass in this case I’m going with Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band

Boom Boom” by John Lee Hooker

Sheena Is A Punk Rocker” by The Ramones

Stand By Me” by Ben E. King. Or John Lennon. Or Tracy Chapman. Or Seal. Or a steel drum band. Or a vibraphone player in the subway.

Bad Reputation” by Joan Jett with the Foo Fighters

Dare to Be Stupid” by Weird Al Yankovic

Any song Eddie Vedder sings ever, but especially “Hunger Strike” with Chris Cornell and Temple of the Dog (because holy carp, those two voices together are magic) and “Rockin’ In the Free World” with Neil Young and YES I KNOW that’s eleven but when have you ever known me to not take it up to eleven?


Okay, now I get to do the nominating and the asking. So I’m shouting out the following blogs:

White Rose: Sincere and Simple Thoughts 

Phylly’s Faves

Confessions of A Watcher

Do I Have A Blog?

Well, There You Go

Zee’s Muse

Just Richard Armitage


GeneRAtion Armitage

Something About Love (A)


Okay, questions. I have given this zero thought whatsoever to these so off-the-cuff here:

1. Beatles or Rolling Stones?

2. What was your Richard Armitage gateway drug role?

3. What’s your favorite Richard Armitage role?

4. What’s your favorite picture of Richard Armitage?

5. What song would you like to hear in a fanvid? Any particular scenario?

6. Coffee or tea?

7. If you could have dinner with any two people living or dead who would they be and why those two?

8. What book are you reading right now?

9. If a train leaves the station travelling east at 50 MPH and another leaves fifteen minutes later travelling west at 55 MPH how long till I start crying because I hate word problems?

10. Fili or Kili?

11. How long did it take you to answer these questions?

So, thanks again to KellyDS and supersonicsonja, this was fun! Have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, dear reader, and the last spin of 2014 is The Beatles. Because.


12 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Faboamanto
    Dec 31, 2014 @ 16:14:49

    Thank you so much for the nomination and the challenge of those questions and all. Love the answers to your questions, I love Dream a Little Dream, excellent choice.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Trackback: So I’ve been nominated – TAKE TWO! | zee's muse
  3. zan
    Dec 31, 2014 @ 18:11:40

    *bopping to the Beatles in German*
    Loved the further insight into the being known as FunkyBlueD!!!
    Thanks for the nomination, Blue. 🙂 (Guess this means I need to think on this New Year’s Eve. Hmmm … might be difficult after the three drinks I’ve already had. LOL)

    Liked by 1 person


  4. jholland
    Dec 31, 2014 @ 19:05:02

    Ferret story made me giggle. I had a cat (but not a least-favorite… my lifetime best cat) named Halford, who would enter the cupboard and bring out the feminine hygiene party favors (thankfully, never used ones!!). BUT! He never did this when we were home alone. He did this routinely whenever I had company. Great answers!

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Trackback: Happy New Year!!! | Well, There You Go ...
  6. Esther
    Jan 06, 2015 @ 07:56:14

    Ha! Your replies really made me laugh! Nice taste in music too.
    Arachnophobia? Check, got that!
    Procrastinator? Check, I am that as well…

    Liked by 1 person


  7. richardtreehouse
    Jan 06, 2015 @ 12:18:51

    I was just rereading your post and I can’t believe I hadn’t liked or commented before. You motivated me to finally do my own Liebster Award post. Is it possible it got lost in the WP world? More likely it was “I want to leave an intelligent comment and I don’t have time to try and formulate one right now.”

    I agree on the boots! Also I have been known to procrastinate (see above.) I have a friend who had a ferret and I was not a fan; I do not get the attraction.

    I am going to check out your playlist. I love a lot of the music you’ve shared in the past 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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